Capturing the Magic of Buttons
CLICK HERE to see all the 2023 Creative Challenge entries as a video, or click on the Challenge Galleries at left to see a photo gallery.
Buttons have been called little masterpieces of art. Their “pretty faces,” craftsmanship and age are among what compels us to love them. But what of their cousins … the mass-produced and plainer garment buttons? How do we show them love? An answer is in the “magical” creation of beautiful button art and crafts.
NBS invites you to get creative!
Through these pages, NBS encourages button jewelry and crafting using “no-harm” methods …meaning buttons and buckles will not be intentionally damaged in the creative process. We hope you are inspired by these button projects and will share your creations with us at creative@nationalbuttonsociety.org.
click on 2025 Challenges at left
In 2022, NBS debuted the Creative Challenges. The 2025 National Button Convention in Springfield IL is months away, more than enough time to enter!
--Everyone can participate: online OR at the convention!
--JUNIORS compete FREE against other juniors in all categories
--All entries require a small entry fee, only 5 buttons minimum,
--No limit on the number of entries per Challenge per person.
PDF directions can be downloaded from the PROJECTS page under CREATIVE, a free benefit of membership in NBS. Many are also recorded tutorials. Look for new ideas to be added throughout the year.
Online workshops are scheduled throughout the year in conjunction with the convention, spring and fall button fests! Watch the EVENTS -- ONLINE page and Bulletin for the schedule. If you miss the live versions, look for the recordings on this site.